The paint will be done by Circle A. Cycles in Providence, RI, who are renown not only for the excellent bicycles they build, but also for their beautiful and durable liquid paint jobs. Initially I thought that I would get this frame powdercoated, but the logistics proved that liquid would work better. Choosing the colour is difficult, especially over the internet. So I am mailing Circle A. a little packet with physical colour samples, and they will choose the colour that matches them best. Hopefully it will look something like the sage green above.
If you could have a bicycle any colour you want, what would it be? Does it depend on the type of bicycle (silver racing bike, black roadster, etc.) or would your choice be universal? And has anybody else besides me ended up with all of their bicycles in the same colour family? I feel a little strange about this preference for green bikes, but apparently not strange enough to choose a different colour!
If you could have a bicycle any colour you want, what would it be? Does it depend on the type of bicycle (silver racing bike, black roadster, etc.) or would your choice be universal? And has anybody else besides me ended up with all of their bicycles in the same colour family? I feel a little strange about this preference for green bikes, but apparently not strange enough to choose a different colour!
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