Panjang X lebar X tinggi | : | 1.897 x 680 x 1.083 mm | |
Jarak sumbu roda | : | 1.273 mm | |
Jarak terendah ke tanah | : | 132.5 mm | |
Berat kosong | : | 99,9 kg (tipe spoke) 99,3 kg (tipe CW) | |
Tipe rangka | : | Tulang Punggung | |
Tipe suspensi depan | : | Teleskopik | |
Tipe suspensi belakang | : | Lengan ayun dengan sokbreker tunggal | |
Ukuran ban depan | : | 80/90 - 14 M/C 40P | |
Ukuran ban belakang | : | 90/90 - 14 M/C 46P | |
Rem depan | : | Tipe cakram hidrolik dengan piston ganda | |
Rem belakang | : | Tromol | |
Kapasitas tangki bahan bakar | : | 3,6 Liter | |
Tipe mesin | : | 4 Langkah, SOHC | |
Diameter x langkah | : | 50,0 mm x 55,0 mm | |
Volume langkah | : | 108 cc | |
Perbandingan kompresi | : | 10,7 : 1 | |
Daya maksimum | : | 8,99 PS / 8000 rpm | |
Torsi maksimum | : | 0,86 kgf.m / 6.500 RPM | |
Kapasitas minyak pelumas mesin | : | 0,7 Liter pada penggantian periodik | |
Kopling Otomatis | : | Otomatis sentrifugal, tipe kering | |
Gigi transmsi | : | Otomatis, V-Matic | |
Pola pengoperan gigi | : | - | |
Starter | : | Pedal dan elektrik | |
Aki | : | 12 V - 3,5 Ah | |
Busi | : | ND U22FER9 / NGK CR7EH-9 | |
Sistem pengapian | : | DC - CDI, baterai | |
Tinggi tempat duduk | : | 758 mm | |
Sistem pendingin | : | Silinder tunggalPendingin dengan cairan (liquid cooled) | |
Susunan silinder | : | Silinder tunggal | |
Karburator | : | VK22 x 1 | |
Lampu depan | : | 12 V 25 W / 25 W x 2 | |
Lampu senja | : | 12 V 3,4 W x 2 |
A.P Honda Thailand only did not launch Honda CZ-110 (Revo Injeksi). At the same time also already melaunching Click-i that if in Indonesia named Vario. But behind Click had the code 'i' that was significant injection. His intention revenue of the fuel system has used PGM-FI (Programmd Feul Injection). He said be the same as that was installed in CZ-110. Used technology of PGM-FI the third generation. To the muffler was equipped by the oxygen censor or lamda sensor.Click-i The censor's oxygen had a function of knowing the level of oxygen in the muffler. Made input for the dose of spraying of the petrol. To be gotten by the gas mixture burnt that always ideal in accordance with the machine request. His positive impact could reduce gas emissions discarded until 80 percent compared to Click the non injection. The consumption material of the petrol was also claimed more frugal until 16 percent compared to the version of the carburettor. One litre the petrol could follow the distance until 49 kilometre. That because of the mixture petrol-air was measured out ideal. Secara the design, Click-i carried the concept robotic-passion. The line bodi was made sharper. Continue to used dualampu (Ray duo light) that was bigger.foto dan gambar sepeda motor yamaha vario modifikasi dan spec.
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