The arena indeed milis this especially discussed what wanted to be asked about about Supra X 125. By chance because of living in Jogjakarta was not possible to do Kopdar et cetera like that was carried out by friends in Jakarta, but his information was enough to help to consolidate the choice in buying the Supra X motor 125.
How is it going? How could I become satisfied with bought this motor, was enough by feeling the motor was investment, has been enough, then we thought during several years in the future. So not the wrong decision if I really relied on this motor because of his opinion, indeed so that was proven in the road. Like that was revealed by me beforehand, all the decisions and the maintenance of this motor now still proceeding smooth like at the time of the first time being bought was because of help from that kept a store of information about this motor. Hopefully at one time was chapter jogja.
Why and how is it going? The motor election, indeed lately made the person confused to determine the motor that would he bought, everything was increased with the advertisement that milled about in the Television media. But on my opinion, I chose the Honda Supra X motor 125 as the motor that will be driven. Bought on October 28 2005, will mean in a moment this Supra motor will occur again the first year.
Came back kepertanyaan early Why and How Is It Going? . Why did I choose this motor, because, in accordance with my requirement that wanted the motor of the petrol opinion with body good, but also could to be used stylish. At that time the motor that possibly most exact was Honda Supra X 125.
Panjang X lebar X tinggi : 1.889 x 702 x 1.094 mm
Jarak sumbu roda : 1.242 mm
Jarak terendah ke tanah : 138 mm
Berat kosong : 105kg / 103 (Tipe Spoke)
Tipe rangka : Tulang punggung
Tipe suspensi depan : Teleskopik
Tipe suspensi belakang : Lengan ayun dan peredam kejut ganda
Ukuran ban depan : 70/90 - 17M / C 38P
Ukuran ban belakang : 80/90 - 17M / C 44P
Rem depan : Cakram double piston
Rem belakang : Cakram single piston / Tromol (Tipe Spoke)
Kapasitas tangki bahan bakar : 3,7 liter
Tipe mesin : 4 langkah, SOHC, pendinginan udara
Diameter x langkah : 52,4 x 57,9 mm
Volume langkah : 124,8 cc
Perbandingan kompresi : 9,0 : 1
Daya maksimum : 9,3 PS / 7.500 rpm
Torsi maksimum : 1,03 kgf.m / 4000 rpm
Kapasitas minyak pelumas mesin : 0,7 liter pada penggantian periodik
Kopling Otomatis : Otomatis sentrifugal
Gigi transmsi : Kecepatan bertautan tetap
Pola pengoperan gigi : N-1-2-3-4-N (rotari)
Starter : Pedal dan elektrik
Aki : 12 V - 3,5 Ah
Busi : ND U20EPR9 / NGK CPR6EA-9
Sistem pengapian : Carburator - DC CDI
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