Some basic guidelines, if you will:
Please describe the items you have/ want in list form. They are easier to read that way.
Remember to include your contact info!
You do not need to post an equal number of "have" and "want" items. It's fine to post only one and not the other.
Monetary exchanges are fine, but please do not list selling prices here. If you are interested in an item and would like to buy it instead of trading for it, please contact the lister privately over email.
Not everything in your list needs to be bicycle-specific. For example: your "want" list can include bicycle components, but your "have" list can include vintage cameras.
Please do not reply to each other in the comments, but contact the lister directly if you have any questions for them. I will occasionally go through the comments to clean up clutter.
Post as often as you like, and feel free to delete your older comments if they contain outdated information.
I am not responsible for the comments posted by other readers, for any items offered by other readers, or for your interactions with other readers. Please use your judgment!
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