There are a lot of reasons why you may not be able to go riding on your motorcycle. A few things that may stand in your way are, work, health, financial, weather, equipment, and To-Do Lists. Of course, none of them are good reasons not to ride. Here is a short list of suggestions of things that you can do that are motorcycle related when you cannot get out on the open road:
Wash your bike
Catch up on your biker forum dejour
Perform routine maintenance on your bike
Go shopping for motorcycle equipment or paraphernalia
Read a good book about motorcycling
Read some good motorcycle blogs
Watch motorcycle shows on TV, the Internet, or DVD
Catch up on the latest motorcycle news
Perform modifications on your ride
Check in on your Twitter friends
Install accessories on your bike
Join a motorcycle organization
Read a good motorcycle magazine
Browse or buy some motorcycle art
Plan your next trip or long ride
Go shopping for more motorcycle accessories
If you are a blogger, update your blog
You get the idea. Now I’ve got to get to work on my new header….
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