Browning Kimball Car Museum
Ogden Union Station
2501 Wall Avenue
Ogden, UT 84401
Features: Vehicles in this museum range from a 1901, 1-cyinder Oldsmobile to a 1930, 16-cylinder Cadillac. Running Boards, huge fenders, over-sized match lit headlights, and rumble setas are reminders of an elegant era in transportation. Shown here is a 1926 Lincoln.
Classic Car Museum
355 West 700 South
Salt Lake City, UT
(801) 322-5509
Features: More than 200 cars are on display here, with a lot of cadillacs of every era. The pre-1940s marques include a 1903 Stevens Duryea 4-passenger, a 1906 Cadillac 4-passenger touring car and a 1914 Hupmobile.
Ogden Union Station
2501 Wall Avenue
Ogden, UT 84401

Classic Car Museum
355 West 700 South
Salt Lake City, UT
(801) 322-5509

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