161 Museum Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
(717) 566-7100
Features: This complex displays vintage autos in various scenes and settings, letting visitors stroll through eight decades while traveling from New York to San Francisco. Changing exhibitions focus on specific manufacturers, vehicle types, and historical themes. Also includes the Museum of Bus Transportation, largest collection of buses in the U.S.
Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles
28 Warwick Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 367-2090
Features: The museum has been in operation for 41 years, and emphasizes cars and trucks made in the region. Another gem on display is the first commercial delivery truck body made by the Boyertown Carriage Works in 1914. It has a wooden frame, poplar panels and metal reinforcement.
Car & Carriage Museum
The Frick Art & Historical Center
7227 Reynolds Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15208
(412) 371-0600
Features: An extensive collecion of vintage and classic autos, films and memorabilia. Among the highlights on exhibit are the first horseless carriages to have an impact on Pittsburgh -- Henry Clay Frick’s 1914 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost touring car and Howard Heinz’s 1898 Panhard.
Eastern Museum of Motor Racing
Latimore Valley Fairgrounds
P.O. Box 688
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
(717) 528-8279
Features: Dedicated to all types of motor sports, from cycles to sprints to stocks. Includes reconstructed displays of working garages, deconstructed race cars, memorabilia and plenty of racing vehicles.

161 Museum Drive
Hershey, PA
(717) 566-7100 ext. 119
Features: Perhaps the world's most diverse bus collection is housed here and in a nearby storage facility, representing buses from 1912 to 1975. Vehicles on display range from a 1927 Fageol Safety Coach to a 1945 Aerocoach P45/37 and a 1975 GMC Fishbowl T6H. Toy and miniature buses and related paraphernalia also are on public display.
Mifflinburg Buggy Museum
598 Green Street
Mifflinburg, PA 17844.
(570) 966-1355
Features: This is a multi-building complex that originally was a buggy works. It includes artifacts, production items and historic displays.
Pennsylvania Trolley Museum
1 Museum Road
Washington, PA 15301
(724) 228-9256
Features: Thorough historic documents and displays, including examples of the best of trolleys during the various periods of their use.
Rolls-Royce Foundation
189 Hempt Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
(877) 795-4050

William E. Swigart Jr. Auto Museum
Route 22
Huntingdon, PA
(814) 643-0885
Features: The Swigart, established in 1920, claims to be the oldest automobile museum in America. It has numerous pre-1914 marques in the collection of nearly 200 vehicles. The selection of one-and two- cylinder cars in the Swigart Museum is probably the most diverse in the United States. Included among the exhibits are an 1899 Locomobile, a 1904 rear-entrance tonneau Cadillac, a 1905 Rambler and such long-ago marques as the Crestmobile, Jewel and Mora.
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